I'm sure you have all seen photos like this one of a Humpback Whale launching itself completely from the water and making a tremendous splash. But until you have been up close to such an amazing display, you cannot truly appreciate the sheer power and elation of experiencing such an incredible feat! It is absolutely amazing! My family loved it and would do it again in a heartbeat- #bucketlist
Pods of these mammoth marine mammals travel some six thousand miles each year from the frigid northern Pacific to the warmer waters near Cabo San Lucas to mate, give birth and nurse their calves.
The whales are in town between December 15th and April 15th, and there are some fabulous tours to guarantee you see them up close. Plus you can experience the towns of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose de Cabo, the beautiful scenery, beaches, surfing and nightlife- ready for me to help you plan the perfect trip? Message me to get started!
